What makes you feel like a boss?

I've always struggled with getting stuff done. I know I'm not alone in that, but a lot of times I feel like I am. I think it's because I let my to-do's pile up and then I just get so overwhelmed that it seems impossible to get anything done! That's why I've declared this year "the year of getting stuff done". I'm constantly trying to remind myself to just do the things AS THEY COME, instead of putting it off. I haven't been totally perfect so far, but I think I've been a little better :)

I am completely inspired by the Being Boss ladies and their weekly podcast. Thanks to them, I now know that it feels really awesome to refer to yourself as BOSS. Who knew that a little 4 letter word could change the entire way I look at myself and my business? (And also my shoes.. My favorite pair of boots that I wear when I want to look good/ feel good are now my "boss boots". Because they make me feel bossy and I like it. :)  But for real. They get it. They get what it's like to run a business and they know what it takes to succeed. It's so nice to hear other people confirming that there are days when working for yourself can be a major struggle, for all sorts of reasons! But on those days you just have to buck up and DO THE WORK. Nothing will make you feel better except doing the work. Period. 

A topic they frequently discuss (which is probably my favorite) is, "What can I do to make $100 today?". It's so easy to get lost in the bigger picture and to get so overwhelmed that you just sit and do nothing instead. This question breaks it down to the simplest form possible- what can you do TODAY? Whether that's writing a blog post, designing a new print, or offering a 24 hour coupon code on instagram: what is something you can do right now that will make your business better, and make some money while you're at it?

I designed this print to hang in my studio and remind me to just start somewhere and do the work. Every day. It's also available as a free download if you need some boss-yness in your life. 

Click here to get the printable!

Do the Work

Inspiring quotes round up left to right: 1 / 2 / 3/ 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

I also made these little pins.. because you can never have too much inspiration, right?! 

Do the Work Pin. Kelsey Davis Design.
Do the Work pin. Kelsey Davis Design


Things that make me feel totally boss:

  • making a plan and sticking to it. (crossing things off my to do list)
  • working so hard that I crash into bed at night.
  • coffee. all day.
  • making a really great breakfast or lunch for myself.
  • answering emails right away. (it makes me feel productive and I know customer's really appreciate it!)
  • being able to schedule time to sit outside and soak up some sun in the middle of the work day ;)

What makes you feel like a boss??